March 2000

Oh dear! No trips this month for various reasons. I still kept my eyes open on the way to work. Travelling to Chichester means I pass through areas of farmland and over two rivers. The Adur at Shoreham often turns up a few birds for the month such as Common Redshank, Grey Heron, Northern Lapwing and Little Egret. The Arun, south of Arundel, is a bit less productive but occasionally has flocks of wintering Mute Swans with a few Bewick's Swans mixed in.

From the railway station to the office includes a walk through some quiet (at 7.50am) carparks surrounded by trees. Here Long-tailed Tits are usually easy to see and early migrants often make an appearance – this month it was Common Chiffchaff on 16th March.

  1. Common Chiffchaff
  2. Grey Wagtail
  3. Goldcrest
  4. Eurasian Sparrowhawk
  5. Long-tailed Tit
  6. Mallard
  7. Common Redshank
  8. Great Tit
  9. Eurasian Jackdaw
  10. European Goldfinch

Back to February?      Did things get better in April?