Calgary to Banff
The bus went out of Calgary to Calgary airport, then through the foothills into the Rocky Mountains. Some of this area is prairie and has associated birds. Red-tailed Hawks are common over the prairie. We also saw one Ferruginous Hawk.
Bald Eagle
Various pools and lakes can be seen from the road. On these we saw American Coot, Goosander, Bufflehead and Lesser Scaup on the way to Banff, and Ring-necked Duck and Redhead. There are two small marshy areas just outside Calgary Airport. Here we saw Red-winged Blackbird and Yellow-headed Blackbird. Fence posts, although common, didn't seem to attract any birds.
Closer to the mountains is a large lake named Lac des Arc. The background is a large industrial plant but the lake does attract Bald Eagle and we managed to see one flying overhead.