Key Largo to Fort Myers
First thing, we searched for 'Cuban' Yellow Warbler close to the bridge across to Key Largo. We did briefly hear one singing but it didn't deign to put in an appearance, as it was quite windy.
Leaving the Keys, we headed back to the Everglades with our first stop being at Shark Valley. Here, as we both watched and avoided American Alligators, we had great views of a pair of close Red-shouldered Hawks and a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-heron. At the nearby Miccosukee Restaurant we watched Snail Kites flying over the marshland, at one point joined by a Swallow-tailed Kite! Plus, as ever, various herons and egrets and a nice Northern Flicker.
After driving west to Fort Myers we went to a sandy beach. Waders were seen in good numbers including Western and Least Sandpipers, Semipalmated and Black-bellied Plovers, 12 Wilson's Plovers, four very white-looking Snowy Plovers and three Piping Plovers. We also had a Black Skimmer skimming, a superb, close, low-flying Swallow-tailed Kite, Red Knots, Sanderling, Willet and various terns, gulls and herons.