Back in the Stubai Valley we caught the bus up to the top of the valley to Mutterbergalm, at a height of 1721 metres, where there is a cable-car up to the glacier. Rather than take the cable-car we walked up the northern side of the valley, through coniferous forest and into an open rocky area with only a few scrubby bushes for cover. Spotted Nutcrackers were common here and we saw two Golden Eagles. CommonChiffchaff and White Wagtail were seen along with Water Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat and Common Redpoll. The rocky area was good, adding at least three Alpine Accentors. Back at the bus stop we added Fieldfares, Common Chaffinch, Winter Wren and Eurasian Crag-martin. From the bus we saw at least one White-throated Dipper on the river that flows from the glacier and down the valley.