Humber Bay East Park
Humber Bay East Park is an angular area of land stretching out from Toronto into Lake Ontario. It comprises a car park, some small trees, scrubland and some small marshy areas. Again, this area is very popular with the locals, but despite us being there in the early afternoon on a hot, sunny and crowded day, we did quite well. Red-winged Blackbirds were much in evidence as were Common Grackles. We walked towards the end of the peninsular where the land rises slightly and is very scrubby. Here we heard, then saw well, a very nice male Chestnut-sided Warbler along with male Yellow Warblers and at least one, probably two, Yellow-bellied Flycatchers.
Around the main pool were nest boxes on poles which were being used by Tree Swallows. Black-capped Chickadees could be heard calling as could a Common Yellowthroat, sounding far less like 'witchity, witchity' than the birds we had in the west of Canada. Common Terns were seen flying over the shore, and the bay by the entrance held two American Coot, a pair of Common Goldeneye and a female Hooded Merganser.